Meet the Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Scott B. Hayashi was consecrated as the 11th Bishop of Utah on November 6, 2010. His ministry has featured a commitment to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s “Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement” as well as expanding the church’s role in social justice outreach. He has fought for the dignity of all in immigration laws, health care for all, and marriage and civil rights for all who are made in God’s image. He was one of three sponsors of the successfully passed state Medicaid expansion initiative. He also has been a community leader calling for laws to combat gun violence.

Bishop Hayashi was ordained a priest in 1984. He has served as a parish priest from 1984-2005, serving in congregations in Washington, Utah, and California. In 2005, he became the Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Chicago.

The Bishop graduated from Harvard Divinity School where he met his wife, Amy, who was then a student at Episcopal Divinity School. They have three daughters. His undergraduate work was at the University of Washington where he received a Bachelor of Social Work degree. He also obtained a Certificate of Theology from CDSP in 1984.

He served as a Conference Leader for CREDO from 1999 – 2010 and has worked with nearly 600 clergy of The Episcopal Church in the area of wellness and development. In 2015, he served as Bishop of the host diocese of General Convention. He also served as national chaplain for the Daughters of the King and currently is on the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church.

"Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus."
